Wednesday, November 01, 2006


That's my catching little phrase to explain people with an perennial attitude of defeatism. You know the type. We're talking about the ones that always say I can't to any type of risk or change of the status quo.

I call the win resistance since it almost always results in the person having no capacity to think in terms of visions. These are not the people you consult when looking for a prophet or somebody to make you feel better.

I know it takes all kinds to make the world go round, but honestly the ones who are more inclined to groan and whine are not the ones I want to hear about all the time. And I think we all appreciate how the down people of life will not make you feel better if you are depressed.

Okay that is all what you can all the mental formula for being generally pissed about everything and never able to look beyond that dark closet where they love to languish. It is all pretty obvious and apparent.

What I would really like to comment on is a different kind of win resistance. That is the person with brain in the clouds, but head up their ass. Basically people who think they have a winning attitude, but with no clue about reality.

For these types the problem is they have all kinds of confidence, just no capacity to care about the facts. They just waltz down the road thinking everything will be okay.

And if along the way the fall in some ditch or worse they will still think in terms or how everything will be wonderful in due time. Oh the time part might last the rest of their lives, but that doesn't seem to matter to them.

As far as I'm concern the consummate aspect to having a really winning attitude is you have to know how to actually WIN. By that I mean you have to have some realistic strategy to go along with all the baloney you are trying to feed yourself and others.

Essentially if you have no plan or idea how you are going to beat your opponent then you will probably just end up a big blow hard who is all air and no substance. As a politician I do exercise that approach in terms of what is expected from me as Mayor.

However, for things like winning an election you can be sure I do more than invent a bunch of stupid lies. I figure how the strategy for destroying my opponents and at the same time make sure the voters think I'm the perfect solution to their problems.

And if one doesn't know or appreciate the differences between those two then you really are a sorry ass slug. Which is okay in terms of your life. Just don't bug me with any of your projections for the future. You can keep those to yourself and I hope you will. Otherwise I will show you the door to where I send all people with win resistance. It leads to an alley where my assistant sit in a car with the engine running and just waiting to practice his hit and run techniques.


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