Sunday, October 29, 2006


No, I'm not going to complete that with the obvious. That would be well, too obvious. So instead I was thinking more of taking this job and 'give it to a person who really wants it or deserves it.' Perhaps the other would be, 'take this job and change it so I don't have to feel so bad that I suck at it.'

Now most of the time it seems the focus is that the job is what sucks. And I'm sure there are way too many of such jobs out there that really do suck. But not all of them.

So how come if you have a cushy and decent job you aren't doing better and doing it right and enjoying it? Ah, now that is question I'm sure some don't want to answer.

Let's face it when you see the celebrities and wealthy looking totally miserable and hardly looking all that thrilled by their situation. Is there a message there or what? I doubt it is one we will bother to learn though, not from what I can see.

And you know what, the place where jobs suck the most is in the arena of politics. All that lying and sucking up to people you hate is hardly what I can the seedbed for happy flowers. It is more like a job you do and tolerate the crap because you have no choice like the rest of the world.

Given all of that is it really surprising that too many politicians end up with some scandal in their lives? Come on give the guy a break. He probably always was a jerk, but as long as he was hiding in some nobody, nowhere job, then nobody cared.

Suddenly he gets elected and this demented and depraved mind is unleashed upon the maze of red tape, lobbyist and all the other crap that gets spread on your life as a politician. And for some reason we think this bozo is going to improve once elected? I don't think so.

I imagine there are a few people out there that are decent and law abiding. I also imagine they are probably the dullest and more boring people earth. No offense folks, but basic goodness to me is tantamount to living under and rock and lacking any imagination.

Sorry to paint it so bleak, but I think the normal desires of most people are kept hidden rather than have to admit them to anyone publicly. I salute that approach.

The only problem is when the morons who get elected don't learn the basic tactic of figuring a way to keep the demented and perverted side of life adequately hidden. It really is not that difficult.

You just have to be able to bribe enough people and now where the reporters don't hang out. Then you can be careful, but in a good way.

Pity some of those don't figure that part out good enough. Personally, I think they should be booted out of office for being stupid. Which is a lot better than having them hang around and embarrass the rest of us that are being careful.


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