Friday, November 24, 2006


I imagine some poet somewhere probably used that phrase for a poem. Or perhaps it showed up in a song too. You know one of those folk type of songs that is always talking about how the little guy gets the shaft and we all need a hug. Yeah, one of those.

For me this about all the times you get beep by your page. Those are the warning signals that are saying "wake up pal you are about to make a big mistake."

But just as with a regular pager, we can always ignore them. Yep, we shouldn't, but we can and do.

And when we do and afterward we blow it big time, oh brother do the other kinds of pages in our mind get written in big fat lies we tell ourselves to not feel so stupid. I know because I have had lots of practice doing exactly that two many times myself.

I don't think I mind the screw ups that much. It is the consequences I hate. Making a mistake happens to all of us. Which is not really a big deal.

What is a big deal is when you have a price tag on the mistake. You might be able to use that denial eraser to wipe away that blunder from the memory pages, but when you end up having to bend over and get zapped, no that really hurts.

In a way, I think the same applies to breaking the law. It might be a bit of a stretch, but let's be honest, if it were for the fear of being caught, would anyone really worry about obeying the law.

Nope, it isn't a matter of right or wrong, it is a matter of getting zapped when somebody finds out you messed up. That is when it really hurts.

So if we can figure a way to never get caught, then shoot, why would we care if we broke the law? Now come on an admit it, how many people really do manage to violate some law, such as speeding, because they don't worry about getting in trouble?

Which is why I have problems with the whole deal about the morality kick. You got these people running around telling you how to be good. Only their version of good is generally boring to say the least.

Making things worse is the fact that never give you an alternative that is sensible. It is more like either never do anything fun or else?

Is that really fair? Who is going to write the pages of their mind with that kind of dribble? And who is going to do it either?

But I suppose as long as their are people there will be those whose minds are hopelessly anal in terms of value. Hmmm, I wonder if the pages of their minds use toilet paper? Well I don't think I really want to know.


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