Sunday, November 05, 2006


Okay, so the basic rule in this arena, which is my stage, is that first comes the knowing. Not in terms of how much you know, but how much you have made others know about whatever you want to be sure they understand. Which is your version of the truth naturally and that is a mighty important ingredient.

Now basically, and this is critical, if you don't get the knowing part right then your showing part will be off and there won't be any decent glowing. So you simply got to have the right foundation of crap and make sure it doesn't stink before you shove it up somebody's nose. Clear enough? Good.

So here we are then. Rule number one, always get your crap properly uncrapified before you feed it to your victims, er clients, customers, voters etc. If you don't get that part right then forget the rest till you do.

And that folks is show biz. Well, my version of course. That is the one without any chances for Oscars, no bimbos to lie to in order to get lucky and most of all, no limos to ride in to create the impression that you debt laden butt is really rich.

Why do I even mention this at all? I suppose as a source of inspiration for others. I just know that somewhere out there somebody is toying with the idea of going into politics. And I just want to pass on a few ideas that might help.

True, my main concern is helping me you understand? I mean after all, if I don't make sure that you are properly prepared to engage in a life of pure depravity as a politician then I have failed to give you all the facts.

Not that I mind avoiding giving someone all the facts. But I figure as long as I create the illusion of trust enough that you try my advice then I can feel more secure about my situation.

There is that old saying about how one hand washes another. In my case I think the saying is better than one hand picks the pocket of another.

When you can do that so you take out all the money before the other person knows it is gone, you really have success. Plus if you happen to say have the person treating to lunch at the time, you get the added joy of seeing them get red face from finding out they have no money in their wallets.

Anyway, that's my particular approach on this. You start with getting the knowing down part. Come on you can do it. Make sure the lie is as solid as concrete.

But in reality you know it is covering a bog of quicksand. So the poor sap who stands on it will end up really finding out he was lied to way too late. If you got him to pay you up front for the privilege, even better. Then you can wave the dough at him while he slowly sinks through the concrete and is swallowed by the quicksand. Ah it is such a sweet form of showing and glowing.


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