Thursday, November 02, 2006


Ah, yes this is that wonderful statement of summation. It is said after the fact when a person is more reflective about the consequences of a given event.

That is a beautiful time when if one is truly fortunate and creative you can rewrite reality to be whatever sounds great. So you get to look passed the usual and the predictable to what you want things to be.

I tell you there are so many glorious occasions when I am able to sit back, clear my throat and then proclaim, above it all as a prelude to whatever. It just sounds so fantastic to say.

And so often people are conditioned by those words will react with a nod. Like, yeah man, preach it brother because I want to hear how we really didn't get screwed big time on this one.

It is so creative and marvelous when we can embrace this option. I mean I truly celebrate the times I can invent the truth and somebody actually decides to agree with my point of view.

Naturally this is all crap of a different type when you think about it. But the nice thing is that it works.

Which is the real joy of the moment from my point of view. I love it when we can avoid admitting we are jerks, cowards or inept.

So I consider this to be option number two in terms of escape accountability. That is the most glorious option from my perspective.

Now there are a few skeptical and logical minds out there that will say, this is all baloney. They would say that if the above it all is nothing, but crap this it is useless.

I tell you that such people are dangerous. They are so silly and unrealistic. And I think such people should be restrained for their own good.

Can you really imagine what life would be like if we actually did things for the right reasons? It is such a scary idea that I can't even bear the idea of seriously contemplating it.

I am grateful that such people are not in the majority. And as long as I can depend on the majority to be dull and apathetic then the verbal chemistry of this process will never be wasted.

That way I can continue to simply insert the above it all into any speech or excuse and it will work. Ah there is no better magic that the one coming through the miracle of fabrications and illusions. And as long as I have that type of trick to pull, I know the world will always be a fun place to live.


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