Friday, November 10, 2006


Are cures always a good thing? I'm not sure. I have heard of the times when a cure is worse than a sickness. It might not seem to be likely, but I have a feeling it does happen.

Take for example I saw this box in this gag store that said in side was a guaranteed weight loss program with no pills, diet or exercise. When I opened it, inside I saw a set of silverware such as a spoon that had a big whole in so you couldn't actually use it to eat anything.

Now the package didn't like. You would definitely loose weight if you tried to eat with that silverware. But who would honestly try?

I like to think that in terms of cures we would actually want ones that worked and were realistic regardless of what the sickness. That seems practical and I assume most people would think it was a reasonable approach.

So how come that isn't the way cures are handles by government? Oh perhaps there are exceptions, as a politician I do have to make a token effort to endorse the system, but still stupidity does happen in life.

I suppose when it comes to the government there is the blend between serving the public's welfare and also guarding against abuse so over kill doesn't result in disaster. So whereas you don't have a system that you can simply make decisions without accountability. And you can't have accountability without lots and lots of layers of people deciding it is a good idea and has controls.

It all reduces down to red tape. Tons of it. Which somehow takes the passion and idealism out of the cure.

Okay, so I'm probably saying something that isn't new. And nobody seemed particularly concerned that at times it gets utterly laughable.

It really is a two-edge sword. On the one hand you got to have the system, but it can be a behemoth that rages without reason at times.

Somewhere in between the two edges hopefully stands the politician who wants to peddle some hope and faith in the midst of the nightmares. And if all goes well, then in the end we get a cure that might or might not work, but at least enough lies to feel good about it.

Hey, would that be better if I simply told the lies without mentioning the truth too? Where would the fun be in that?

There would be none for me without that twist. To borrow from a movie, "this is the business we've chosen." All I do is accept with a bit of a smile that I can't tame the monster, just try to be sure the cure doesn't make too many people sick if I can lie well enough.


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