Tuesday, November 07, 2006


There is a difference between performing a magic trick and admitting to how you did it. One is a wonderful illusion. That's what makes it magic too me. Which is the fun part from my point of view.

What is boring is to have someone destroy the illusion. It is sort of like taking the mask off the Lone Ranger. There are just some times that are better left in the fantasy department.

We all know that a magician can't do real magic. At least I haven't known any that clamed they had any special powers. But I do enjoy it when I can watch them perform a trick and then wonder "how did they do that?"

The truth is that I don't honestly want to know. I would rather cling to my delusion that perhaps they might have some powers and just prefer not to admit it.

As usual I'm going to apply this to my favorite subject, which is naturally ME. Yep, would you expect otherwise? If so I rub my magically Twinkie before I eat it and hope to wish you would disappear. Well I can wish at least.

The thing is when it comes to this subject, for me as a politician I consider I need a certain amount of magic to make the whole act of being a Mayor work. See, I know the reality, there is no way no matter how hard I try that I will ever be capable to turn little old Mediocrity into more than a cesspool of lethargy.

I'm not sure even if I had a magic wand I would try, but that is a different issue. The point is in reality that our basic government system sucks and it will never be other than inept. I'm speaking for my city, but I have a feeling the rest of democracy has trouble working also.

In any case, I see my job as one of being sort of a magician for the mind. It is my job to dazzle my audience of voters with illusions of hope.

And as long as I don't pull up my sleeves to show the cards I'm hiding, then hey, everything is okay. Frankly, people aren't that curious. Well most at least. There are a few strange people out there that think they want the truth, but to borrow from that famous movie, "they can't handle the truth."

So rather than till people life sucks and never will get better, I just prefer the sweet and glorious bewitching type of tale that tells people what they want to hear. Which in the end keeps me in office.

I reward myself for such labors naturally by sucking every penny I can out of the city coffers. That is my reward. But like the lies, I just can't admit to others about what from the coffers I have shoved up my sleeve. Which is probably why I never go to work without wearing a jacket. It is more of sub-conscious thing perhaps. But I just worry less when I do wear one.


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