Monday, November 06, 2006


Yep, you can definitely say that at times it really is all in a flick of the wrist. That signing of a pen, which gives you access to a monetary heaven. It to me is all in the wrist. And of course reaching out to grab something that doesn't belong to you also starts with the wrist.

Now technically some might argue that the fingers and hands are the culprit. But you couldn't accomplish anything without your wrists. They are linked to the arms, shoulders, etc. Plus you hands wouldn't work write if you wrists were messed up. Plain fact.

What if anything makes this important? Well to me I guess it is the matter of weaving together that concept of choice with the mystery of magicians. After all, they never talk about having something up your fingernails. It is up your sleeve where you wrists are located.

Okay, so perhaps I am rambling a bit. I can't help it. I just think we need a proper focus on the issue of choice in terms of deception.

Why you might ask? Well why not? Let's face it deception is always a choice. You don't accidentally lie for example. It is always to save your butt.

So how does that relate to wrists? Um, because it does, that's why! Now I know that might seem silly. But perhaps that is the whole point of what I'm getting to with this. Deception is a choice, but somewhere along the line it involves more than just a choice. It involves your wrists. With them being say a metaphor for consequences.

Yep, that is what I'm suggesting. The wrist is an extension of what happens when you make choices without being aware of how they affect some other part of you life.

My goodness was that vague enough or what? I sure hope so because vague is to me the centerpiece of deception. Lime lights never work for deception any more than using your wrists to hide things work unless you are wearing a coat to cover them with sleeves.

What can I say, I'm bored and needed a topic and rambling seemed as good a way to get through the moment as any. Which if I've succeeded makes everything right with the world.

As far as I know it hasn't happen yet. We can hope though. We can also hope for world peace, cures for all diseases and end to war and a solution to not dying. We can hope, but I doubt those will happen either.

They will end up just a flick of the verbal wrist of some politician and will be so happy just to embrace the illusion. Looking up the sleeves or at the wrists just never works. Unless you are extremely curious in a demented way in which case you can look if you want because the rest of us are that inclined to be so thrilled with the end of our illusions.


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