Monday, July 24, 2006


How the proud and courageous resound of a defiant chortle so echoing with confidence? Now before I get to far and somebody is going huh? Let me simplify it by saying, "oh yeah!"

Basically, we're talking about a state of mind. A deep abiding spirit of never-say die, don't surrender, keep trying regardless of what. It is a time of victory in the heart, but one that you love because you can brag about it.

And the whole time you haven't actually fired a single offensive shot, don't nothing in terms of acting on the sense of need for revenge. Point is, this is all about talk. Creating the illusion of ultimate victory even if it never becomes more than words. It just feels so good and sounds so impressive!

Meanwhile, once you get passed the illusion and all the joys of pretending to be a lion, you relax and go back to being a lamb. That's the part, which comes after the oh yeah, where you sheepishly say, "oh bother."

Only naturally we never exactly get into boasting about that part. Instead we hope it doesn't even get heard. Praying to god that nobody notices the yellow streak down our back that we do such a great job trying to keep covered up.

Am I saying we are all basically wimps at heart? No, not really. I'm just talking about how often talk is a whole more fun than action. We can spend all day shooting our mouths off without actually doing anything.

Shoot the very fabric and foundation of our society is based on words. Okay, true, they don't work quite as well unless you got a whole bunch of the meanest, toughest dudes on the planet to go out and kick butt when needed, but still the words almost always come first. It is sort of a good habit.

And it really does make sense too. I mean if you send the giants out first to break heads then the people who need to hear the words are going to be unconscious. That sort of defeats the benefit of saying all those words.

Plus saying the words gives the dudes with no necks who live to break bodies time to warm up before they go out and beat senseless whoever it is you decide needs to be pulverized. It really is a very logical approach.

Now for those of us lacking any benefit from the help of a bunch of goons, it doesn't mean we can't talk tough. We all got that part down pat. We just sort of forget when it lacks much benefit when you aren't following it up with some type of brain numbing act that makes the person you are threatening know you are serious.

But what the heck, why should that part keep us from having fun with the words. It has never stopped me so far. I just pray I never have to look in the mirror long enough to smell the crap.


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