Monday, August 28, 2006


Beware the vow that seems far too convincing or sincere. For buried beneath those tones are LIES! Yep, fact of life, a promise is not always a promise.

I should know because I have done it enough times in my life. Okay, I have an excuse. I'm a politician. It might not be much of an excuse, but it is the best I can give for making a career out of peddling dreams.

Now of course when I say I peddle dreams, I mean mine naturally. Oh I phrase it so it sounds like it is somebody else's dreams, but it is really mine.

Still, I do enjoy in part sharing the idea of hope. That is worth a lot to most people. Giving people hope can often counterbalance the fact that their life sucks. It can give them inspiration to keep trying even when common sense tells you to quit.

And let me tell you in a city like Mediocrity where we get the bland of the bland as our life and lives you need all the inspiration you can get. So that means for me, lying my ass off till I get the results I want or close enough.

That really is an important term in my city. Close enough generally wins over anything else in most cases.

Now you might ask if I enjoy it that way. Sometimes to be honest the answer is yes. I really do.

The main reason is because it makes life easier. I mean nobody complains if we aren't the best when we only manage to reach so-so.

That makes life easier for me that's for sure. I can actually boast when we reach slightly above average. Not many politicians can say that and expect it to be applauded.

Thus I'll do it takes on the predictable aspect in my city of being about trying good enough. Not your best. I'm not even sure we have a best. But it is better that not at all I suppose.

In any case man, we do our best to savor the moment and say whatever glorious promises we are suppose to make that allows us to dream whatever stupid dreams works for us. It is all pretty silly at times, but somehow we get by despite the stupidity.

Some might call this offensive. Some might say it is pointless. I call it inspired. And that is why I am Mayor here rather than somewhere that quality counts.

It might seem less than a good thing to others, but I survive. From election to election I survive and keep sitting in my chair to rule the city where I serve the public with as much blandness enthusiasm I can muster. Oh and of course with plenty of time for naps. But those I don't tell the public that since I always close the door when I have those meetings.


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