Saturday, July 22, 2006


It is so funny how at times people love to claim they are so forgiving, but really aren't. This seems to be a bigger problem for folks with some kind of religious agenda.

Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't forgiveness where you truly don't harbor some hate for somebody who has wronged you? I think that applies. I mean it is not in any way or under any circumstances trying to get even.

Personally, I know I'm a failure in that regard. However, I've never claimed to be otherwise.

What bugs me the most are the ones who say "it's over" as in forgotten, then they sit back and pout because they really don't feel it is over. It's called saying one thing, but actually feeling and acting on a different feeling that contradicts what you say. In other words, being a hypocrite.

So instead of saying up front, it's not over and I hate your guts and always will, they said something totally stupid like I forgive you, but you know they truly don't. You really have to be careful too because if you take these people serious you can be sure they will figure a way to get even and it will blind side you.

There are so many ways a person can hide pouting too. Avoidance is a common method. They just stop talking to you. Or if they do talk to you they always keep the conversation short and very impersonal.

But perhaps the biggest part is that if you sense something is wrong and ask, they will say everything is fine. Liars!

Why is it that if I lie as a politician it is a terrible thing, but if these people like to keep from telling you they hate your guts it is okay? I've never been able to figure that part out.

What I do know is that they are all jerks for the way they toss out this crap and claim to be forgiving even though it is all a crock. I can do without that kind of grief!

Meanwhile, in the real world where I live, I don't make the effort to pretend I am forgiving. Oh I will probably apply the effort of avoidance. That for me is a way to get you sidetracked by a diversion while I plot my revenge. And if I work it right you won't even know I did it.

At least I don't find the need to say something stupid like I forgive you. I just can't bring myself to say that with a straight face when I'm looking at you in the eyes and dreaming of what it would be like to rip out your heart. Isn't that a touching sentiment?

I guess I will always have to live with that option though in terms of putting up with the people who say one thing and mean another Hard to avoid the majority, especially as a politician.


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