Friday, July 21, 2006


I have decided that there is some kind of magical trickster out there that controls some aspects of life to really ruin your day. Oh, we are talking about a god or anything. More like a gremlin or gnome who is hung over and has a bad attitude with a real sick sense of humor.

You can think I'm trying to be funny, but I dare you to prove me wrong. Yeah, go ahead and prove that there aren't moments in life when something starts out plain and the next thing you know it is "OH GOD HOW DID THAT HAPPEN!"

Uh-huh, that's right you know what I'm talking about. So what's wrong with deciding there is some demented gnome out there just waiting to figure the best way to truly give you grief.

See we all hear the sayings like "crime doesn't pay." And the other hogwash that we are told to believe that good will always win over bad. It sounds wonderful, but we know it is a load of crap. And a big one at that.

What I see is that the consequence of such devotion to greed and other equally evil plots is most applicable as a form of grief. I mean if you are plotting and planning something like taking over the world and you get defeated by the good guys, you might not keep trying.

But suppose you were to try and take over the world only to find out all the toilets and sewers were backed up. The plumbing bills alone would cost a fortune! Now that is the kind of grief I'm talking about. It doesn't keep you from making plans, but it sure does make the process utterly miserable!

Now you can tell me that is an accident or a fluke. That all those incidents of coming "that close" and getting shafted is a natural order of events.

As for me, well it just make me sit and keep in the back of my mind, when I plot this event and hope it will work out, I have to wonder what is plain that is going to get complicated? I'm learning to ask that question a lot too.

In between the insanity though, I do manage to marvel at how if there is one place where Murphy's law truly works it is with these plots. But being the silly fool that I am, I keep hoping this time will be different.

I've told myself plenty of times. I'm still waiting for that to happen. I'm also hoping to win the lottery some day too.

Personally, I'm inclined to think I have a better shot at winning the lottery. But then I also know if I did, I would probably have my car go whacky from some kind of problem and I would run into some nuns in a bus or other situation where it would take all the cash I from the lottery to cover that cost. Plain and complicated that ain't!


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