Thursday, July 20, 2006


The most casual of crisis, the simplest to solve are often a dragon that looks tame and then gets real nasty. So you start out thinking, no problem, I can fix that any time I want.

Only time slips by and before you know it that little pest of a problem has turned into a nightmare. How you can't even excuse it because it was easy to fix in the first place, but you didn't do a thing about it.

Yep, that is human nature. Procrastination is the folly of the presumptuous. Um, something along those lines. At least it is a definite folly when you end up looking like an idiot.

What I have observed that there is a domino effect to this stupidity. If I as Mayor end u acting stupid and ignoring a trivial problem, then so will my help. And if I dare to ask them why they didn't bring some small problem to me they give me one of those "because" looks. You know the type that says, "why do you have to ask when you've done the same thing a dozen times yourself." Yeah, that kind of look!

One would assume I guess that life would come to a point when this happened enough so you would learn from the experience. Would that it would be so!

Instead, I get brain drain from overconfidence. The past means nothing, the future is a glorious bouquet of refreshing possibilities without the slightest chance there will be any storms or weeds. Oh yeah, that is stupid to the ultimate degree.

I suppose I ought to for the sake of image pretend I don't make those kinds of mistakes. But darn it all, there are some things that are so utterly pathetic all you can do is shake your head and say, yep, that's me.

I didn't say that was a good thing. I merely said, that is reality. And like too many aspects of reality, it sucks at times.

Is there a cure for this type of stupidity? Probably. Most things can be fixed. Providing you can handle the cure.

But I'm far too lazy to want to think that hard all the time. And what fun would life be if you never had the joy of any chance to lie to yourself. That's what I call dreams. Only I mean it in a good way.

However, I figure that come way may, I'll probably have one of those "I know" conversations with myself eventually. Those are the kind you try to have with your teenagers who reply to doing something stupid, "I know." Only like me, they don't know it well enough to not actually do it. In retrospect I just have to sit back and smile and savor the joy of knowing that there are some lessons such as tiny troubles where we never really do our homework.


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