Friday, July 14, 2006


There are several ways to fill in the words that follow this lead in. However, I doubt any of them is expressive of something you think is great. Well, it might be good in some cases I suppose, but I think most of the time it is more related to a instance of shock.

The oh my's in the world for me are the times we are really pissed because something we expected didn't happen. Or something changed we thought would never improve.

That is how it often occurs in my world at least. Let me tell you too that too often the oh my's of the world are not a good thing. And at times they aren't even a real oh my.

It all depends on who is doing the comment as to whether it is good or bad. Or if it even qualifies under the oh my category.

A big qualifier for me is when it involves an expression that comes from someone who is normally highly excitable. Such a person is prone to panic and naturally going to imagine the worse in all situations.

But it is never fun being afraid or having a panic attack if you don't have someone to share it with. So they decide I'm the lucky person who should share is such a bounty. Not that I was consulted before they made such a decision, merely that they decided I was the person who needed or would appreciate such a behavior.

In my life the central voice of lunacy in the oh my department is my secretary, Edna Frump. She does have several redeeming qualities, but when it comes to remaining calm, you can forget it. Edna is hardly the type who could manage to see the world as other than in crisis.

And if it isn't bad enough that there are plenty of things to worry about, she will go out of her way to find extra things to stress over. I'm sure if there was a place on the internet you could visit that would give you extra crap to worry about, she would be there biggest visitor.

I don't think I would mind if she didn't insist upon listening to some nut on the radio who specializes in thinking up the most incredible baloney to worry about. I mean come on, do you really expect me to believe that there are aliens living on the planet who are somehow using breakfast cereal to turn us all into zombies. That is one of his saner theories.

However, despite it all, I know I can expect tomorrow will promise more of the same. As long as the sun rises and there is greed in the world I have no doubt my secretary will be freaking out over the most absurd things.

I also have no doubt that I will not be spared the oh my's either. About the only good thing I can say is that it does give me something to post. So there is some benefit. Maybe in a way that helps anyone, but it will give a smile or two.


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