Wednesday, July 12, 2006


When you got money, everyone is willing to be your friend. At least for the most part they will assume that bulge in your pants is from a wad of money. Ahem, I wont take the erotic detour of suggestion regarding what else would provide such a bulge.

Now the tough part is if you do have bucks and you are stupid enough to let others know it then you risk them trying to figure ways to suck you dry. Like I said that is providing you are stupid enough to tell the whole world in the first place.

Well all of that is basic review on the celebration of the human essence in terms of our proclivity towards selfishness. Basically, we are greedy rats and come by it naturally.

So it only follows that in the process of looking for another source of money to squeeze like sponge one would be inclined to discard what no longer has any greenbacks. Just toss the soul that is broke on some ash heap of lies and failed promises. Oh yeah, forgotten is such a predictable fate for the person so used.

The tough part is playing this game and not being forgotten. It is really difficult to accomplish. Because the first problem is that the leeches don't generally hang around like vampires unless they know they can get fed. They'll get to ravenous and rush off in quest of a more tastier and satisfying victim to bleed dry.

Logically, of course, one might question the merit of even wasting time with the leeches. But I say that is all part of the joy of playing the game. If you do it right you can get them so insane with desire from thinking they are going to rip you off that they will agree to anything just for that finally avarice fix.

The challenge is to do this without them ever knowing it is you that is sucking them dry. And if you work it right you end up not only squeezing them dry, but even thanking you for the help.

Which all culminates in the right situation with the person thinking you're wonderful or so stupid that you present no threat to them. Afterwards, you can rejoice over knowing they won't forget you. They might be confused over how they had you pegged as a sucker, but they will not figure out you really conned them.

It does call for some clever lying naturally. And even some decent play acting if you are wanting to make it look convincing.

In the end you have to let them be sure they think you are honestly broke. If they even smell the scent of a single penny in your pocket they are going to try and steal it.

This might all seem rather droll and pointless to the person with morals or values. Such people really need help from my concern. Too much honesty really is a bad thing if you are going to spend time in a world filled with blood suckers.


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