Tuesday, July 11, 2006


Okay, so I'm going to take a position on this thing that may or may not be popular. Affirmative action is the government's attempt to offset discrimination in the job place by making sure more minorities get a decent job. That's my understanding at least.

Which in some ways is so far, so good. I mean in a nation where you teach and preach freedom and the other tenets of democracy it just isn't good for our image to complicate things by being unfair to anyone group. Nope, equality would me everyone has to be abused at some point. Otherwise it just isn't fair, right?

So we rotate the privileges to some degree and make sure that every group gets a shot at some happiness. Oh not enough so EVERYONE in the group enjoys the American dream. That would be silly!

Instead we come up with a version where we say, "Okay this year we are going to help" and you can fill in the blank anyway you want. It comes down to "let's be kind to so and so this time." That way all those OOPS we were guilty of as a nation in the past can be sort of forgotten. At least by the folks doing the doling out of the benefits.

Now the one primary problem with those whole approach is that we don't have the willingness to make it a real panacea for all social ills. We will help some, but the basic fabric of our country remains the same. Those with the bucks are going to keep them, plain and simple. They will agree in helping the poor, but as long as it doesn't cost them too much.

Real equality is a noble concept, just not practical. At least as long as people continue to be people. And if anyone thinks that is going to change, then I have a bridge or two I'm willing to sell you.

What I want to know is if we help a few members of an oppressed group, but ignore others did we really do good? Maybe better than if we didn't try and at all. But as far as I can tell if you are one of those who misses out that was at the end of the gravy train line you aren't likely to say thank you. I know I wouldn't.

Am I saying I'm against Affirmative Action? Not at all. I'm just celebrating that as long as the dude fixing the meals decides who gets a share of what you can be sure fair is not going to figure into what gets served.

And as long as we attempt in some feeble manner to fix problems by not honestly trying to change the causes we are going to always end up with a circus. Personally, I enjoy knowing the clowns are running the show. It makes it more entertaining.

I can't wait for the next show! I just hope they bring out the parade. I think that is the best part of the entertainment. I love the jugglers who attempt to balance the budget and promise the world to everyone. Now that's entertainment to me. Others can call it what they want.


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