Friday, July 07, 2006


You don’t hear about this too much in terms of when a cover up fails. That is what I call a cover down since the up part didn’t work. Others might call it have a cover blown. In any case it means for us conniving dudes big trouble.

Which is why I always find it important to include this aspect in any thinking to do with planning a cover up. Actually the pre-thought has to do with a strategy that plans out a con, provides for how to keep it a secret and covered up in the event of somebody finding out about and finally making sure in the case of a screw up that I can avoid getting into trouble.

So you see that is why the whole thing has to be thought through very carefully. I have to make sure to prepare for working with people who are prone to screw up. Inserting the moron factor is a key element in that regard. And then I have to be sure that I allow for my own stupidity at times too.

Now there are some that might presume this whole process is a lot of work for a con job. That is might be easier to just say screw it and forget the whole thing. But I ask you where is the fun in that?

Yes folks, too me the fun is the critical part. That is the element I most consider as important regardless of what some might think. Money does figure into the fun naturally so you do have to make allowances for that too.

Which is why the cover down part is so important. You just have to keep focus on what if. And if you don’t, well then just lay in a big stock of aspirin is all I can say.

So what is my winning strategy for the cover down part. It starts with a good lie. I’m talking about one that makes sure nobody thinks it is a lie. Yeah that is the really important element.

Some might call that an excuse, but not me. An excuse normally requires that it be somehow true. That’s because you have to be darn sure that it sounds possible.

With a lie, well that isn’t necessarily the case. It might be true, but most of the time it doesn’t matter as much. All that is important is that you make it seem like it is true.

In any event beyond the lying part there is also the element of who gets the rap if things don’t work out. That is almost as important as anything else.

I’m not talking rap music kind of rap either. I’m speaking of the poor jerk who bites the bullet when the ball gets drop and you don’t score a touch down. As long as it is somebody else I’m happy.

That way I can go back to the drawing board and plan out a new game plan. Oh I might have to go and visit the poor slob who took the rap for the last cover down, but that’s okay as long as the visiting hours as the jail don’t conflict with my other plans.


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