Thursday, June 29, 2006


I love making comparisons. It is only for one reason. For me it is about deciding who is better or best, myself or some other working slob. Naturally, I use my own standard for grading such things. And you can be pretty darn sure that with me that will translate into anyone I think is remotely better than me ending up having flaws I can decide make them worse.

You can call that being picky or silly, but it works for me. That is what I consider as important.

Well, beyond playing this game for obvious reasons (so I can feel better about being a dismal failure) there is the issue of dealing with the so-so people. They really don’t have to be classified in terms of describing their flaws. That’s because they manage that all by themselves without my help.

So all I have to do with them is see them as they are. Which I try not to dwell upon since let me tell you if I did it would be even more depressing.

This is kind of two edge sword. See on the one hand I have to worry about the better people because they can compete with my illusion of greatness. But then a few observations can fix all that most of them till they are really inferior, at least in my opinion. So I have to tolerate their being a threat in order to feel something in terms of my own essence.

That is probably confusing, but what it means is the lukewarm people are really more of a pain in the butt to deal with since you just can’t complain about them as a threat. They are basically too pathetic to be any threat.

Which translates into the pain of knowing I look pathetic if I try to rag on them in order to look superior. And if they scumsucking, lazy, barely function creeps play their cards right it really looks bad.

In fact if they know how to whine just right it is even worse. Because then they end up with looking sympathetic as well as apathetic.

It is like kicking a handicapped person. The person might be a jerk and I’m not saying disabled people are, but let’s say this one person is. You can respond like you would to a regular person because they have a special problem. And that means they can get away with stuff somebody else can’t.

What does all that come down too? Headaches frankly. How can I cheat if it ends up looking obvious?

My only solution when I need a little feeling of being superior is to hide from the lukewarm folks. If they aren’t around I’m safe to pretend my lies aren’t really lies and let me tell you that can make a difference when you make up the rules as you go along.


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