Thursday, June 01, 2006


This is one of those wonderful multi-purpose phrases. You can use it for things like taking it to the limit or taking it to the bank or a host of other options. Well I of course view it in that regard. I’m not sure everyone else does though.

Essentially, I regard it as a vow or goal, which is suppose to inspire a good reaction. I mean you can either push the boundaries of some aspect of life or have the promise that what happens will result in some blessing.

Those are just the practical aspects naturally. We can indulge in some philosophical meanderings and assume this could be some metaphor too. If doing so somehow makes the whole process sound more important or valuable.

Personally, this for me is a form of pace I like to regard in my simple political domain as a good thing. Mainly because I see the key ingredient in all of this as trust. You hope it means what people claim it means. Although so seldom does that honestly seem to be the case.

However, that is good news for me. Telling people you can take it to the whatever is a vote of confidence. It is a slam dunk, done deal, good to go kind of reality. That sure helps when you want to get people to relax when you are telling them a bunch of lies and want to keep them from panicking.

The taking it to the part really isn’t that hard for me. It is trying to cope with the consequences when the taking it to the part doesn’t happen. One has to be clever enough to come up with a really great cover story to explain why nothing really got taken anywhere.

To that end I wish to pause and salute all those fabulous guys in politics who manage to pull off this sham and get away with it, over and over and over. Yep, that is class in my book. The kind of aspire to, but am still working on.

For me the redeeming part comes from the fact that in a city over populated with mentally comatose and spiritually lethargic gnomes I don’t have to worry that much. I could steal their wallet, lie and say it was not my fault and they would probably just say, “Huh?”

Ah it is so wonderful to dwell in a la-la land of pure apathy. I really would be in trouble if I had to actually work for a living. God that would be scary. Then I might actually have to follow through on the taking it to the part for real and not lie about it.

But for the moment, I am content to not stir the pot of curiosity. It is wonderful to just be able to make promises that I never intend to keep and then blame somebody else when nothing happens.

Perhaps some day I’ll think about it differently. For now, I just keep smiling and telling myself it is a living. It is as good a lie as any I guess.


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