Tuesday, May 30, 2006


Okay, I don’t care what anybody says, all isn’t fair in anything. I think when we talk about fair in the first place it is nothing more than an illusion. People aren’t fair because by nature we are all selfish jerks. So if people are fair how can anything we do really be expected to be fair.

Well that is my approach at least. And I honestly don’t regard that as being negative. I consider it being realistic. Which to me is a necessary link in the chain of personal achievement.

I see people all the time who operate under the delusion that if they just do the best they can they will get a reward. Good luck stupid! Go ahead and be a sucker all your life.

I don’t mean to be cruel, but the plain fact is that life would be fair if more people were human and not greedy trolls. But that isn’t going to happen unless you are writing a movie script. Perhaps a fantasy set on another planet somebody hasn’t screwed up with letting humans infect it.

Meanwhile back in this world, life goes on at its own stupid, self-serving pace. And since we are all a bunch of worthless, liar, back stabbing, hypocrites then we can expect the gospel of “me-first and second and third” to dominate.

Some might look at such a philosophy as being hopelessly negative and not very complimentary of human nature. I say, let’s celebrate our strengths! Yes, that’s right, let’s all get happy about how the system works.

Now come on, think about it. Do we really need all this idealistic fluff that is basically crap in the first place? Are we honestly going to help our fellow man or are we more likely to help them get lost somewhere so we can steal their crap for ourselves?

Feel free to enjoy pretending that life isn’t like that. Knock yourself out if it makes you feel better.

As for me, well I’m going to stay in the real world! I’m going to accept that fair is a concept that works best when you think about it after having six or twelve beers.

But that then folks is part of my Limburger survival guide for the practical, sleaze. I’m working on another volume admittedly. There are just too many chapters at this point to fit into one volume. Heck, the chapter on feasting upon the gullibility of the average mind is practically a book by itself.

The big problem is debating if I really want to get it published. Getting the bucks from the sales would be nice, but do I honestly want to tell all my secrets?

That is a question I’ll think about later. For now, I’m going to continue spreading the gospel of Rash to a needy world that is in need of as much graft as I can inflict upon it!


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