Sunday, May 28, 2006


I’m a good gardener. That is providing you think spreading tons of verbal manure as part of good gardening.

Hey, it works for me to think of people as potential blossoms. And sowing a few seeds of thoughts always helps. Providing they take root as you desire.

Therein lies the biggest problem. You can’t be sure the kind of blossom or flower that will sprout from the sowing of the seed.

Sometimes I really lay it on very thick and spread as much manure of promise as I can in some speech. The I leave thinking, man that was great. I feel confident I did my job and the smell of that particular layer of double-talk didn’t really stink.

Afterwards of course, somebody bursts my bubble and I’ll get a whiff of the downwind gossip. It will stink. I not only spread manure, but it smell like it to everyone, but me. Jeez, talk about bombing.

Well in such cases there is only one solution. I go and fetch a hoe to dig up the crap and start over. In such situations the hoe I use is finger pointing. It was somebody else’s fault. I just can’t say who yet. That has to be decided later.

That is the good thing about my type of gardening though, I always know which flowers I can cut off without it ruining the scenery. Some blossoms are just easy to eliminate from my garden than others. Fact of life as long as I don’t have to be the one that gets pruned!

Ah, I just enjoy doing something different. And at the same time I also enjoy when I get to sow where I can reap more than I planted.

In our society that is called politics. At least to me. Others have different names for it. But then they probably have one of those “organic” gardens where you don’t use any chemicals.

Good luck with that idea. Me, I use them all the time. Normally I fetch them at some bar.

Oh it doesn’t necessarily make the garden look any better. But after enough “chemicals” in my system I don’t have to worry about what I see. Or what I smell either.

Yep, gardening can be fun. In my world it is so basic and easy. You plant whatever seed you want, let it blossom as needed. Then you come up with the best lie possible to explain why it sucks.

And in the process you wait for the rain of blessings to water the whole thing. If they don’t come, you get out a hose. Hopefully one that works without too many lies too.


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