Monday, May 22, 2006


I think I’m slowly beginning to get brain drain from blogging. But I have been doing it for more than a couple of years so given my basic corrupt nature I figure there has to be more than one way to skin a mind. Translation, I can write on the same subject more than once with a different comment and be happy because I’ve said something different. Works for me, but then most things do.

One more time for me is something worth repeating. It can be a comment, a song or basically anything that you like enough the first time to do again. Some things are necessity such as breathing, eating and drinking. Those don’t really to me qualify as one more time experiences because you HAVE to do them.

What I’m talking about are things you do a second time because you just plain want to. Again there are some things you do more than once that you don’t have to do. Working sort of falls under both categories. You have to do it if you want a paycheck, but if you don’t for some reason then no problem. However, I do think most people are inclined to want a paycheck given the traffic during commute hours.

So let me narrow this whole concept down to the basics of talking about things you want to do more than once because you enjoy it. That probably is a much longer list if you are talking about things you would like to enjoy doing than what you actually get to do. I don’t imagine I have to explain that part do I?

Now you might ask, does this even need to be put in a blog. And I say, absolutely. I mean the fact that it is part of human nature practically demands it from a guy who makes his living as a corrupt politician.

After all I would be unfaithful to sharing the dark and less than noble side of my life as a Mayor if I didn’t indulge in such topics. At least it sounds as good as a reason for rambling about it as any I can think of.

What really annoys me is the people with far more anal inclinations than brains. They have a once more time kind of attitude. But it really sucks if you ask me.

That is because their idea of one more time includes the most incredibly boring and dull activities imaginable. I’m speaking of having activities for social reason that only register on this yawn scale I use. If it rates more than two yawns, run away because let me tell you if you don’t you’ll probably fall asleep.

I am thinking I might benefit my fellow man by the simple sharing of this information for their benefit. Perhaps publishing a schedule of activities and their pertinent yawn rating.

I might have to include a disclaiming about how the surgeon general has determined that excessive yawning can lead to permanent damage to your sense of personality. It was just a thought. I don’t know yet if I can get anyone to pay for that option. I want to help my fellow man, but I do expect compensation.


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