Saturday, May 27, 2006


I’ve seen the “face” of tomorrow. It belongs to this old geezer who looks like he diets on incredibly sour lemons. Okay, perhaps that is a bit overdone, but the point is from my view, tomorrow is the date we all have with the grim reaper and old person fate. So what in reality should tomorrow look like for us is that is our fate?

To me I try to keep that image fresh in my head. It says one thing to me. Get what you can, NOW! Because let me tell you when tomorrow comes and you have old geezer face it will be too late for some types of lust and greed. True, it might not be too late, but it just sounds so much better to tell myself otherwise.

I know how some people might want a vision for tomorrow. To say the face of tomorrow is one with hope. Go for it baby! Lie your ass off. In twenty or thirty years when we are both sitting in wheelchairs and remembering the good old days when we still had decent bowel movements let’s here you ramble about hope then!

As for me, well I intend, providing I live to have an old geezer face to be able to look back on the past with a big huge grin. That will be the one that comes from remembering how I didn’t squander my life doing things that are less than helping myself to as big a slice of the American dream pie as possible.

Thus I look at the face of tomorrow as the “golden” years, providing you managed to suck, steal and by any other means possible accumulate as much gold as you could while still younger. Yep, I think that is a sound philosophy.

Oh I know those silly folks out there that operate under the delusion you should be caring and loving while younger. Otherwise you can end up with old geezer face tomorrow and nobody to care about you.

Well, let me tell you what I think in that regards. First of all when you are sitting there with old geezer face you got old geezer brain. That to me means you can’t remember squat anyway. So why worry if you are alone. Heck, you’ll be lucky to remember what day it is so no big deal from my point of view.

On the flip side there is also the fact that when you got old geezer face with a fat bank account that is when everyone wants to be your pal just for the sake of ripping you off. They will gather around you just hoping you’ll kick the bucket any second. And you can be darn sure they will be rushing quicker to the bank that to your funeral. Heck, with my kids I know I’ll be lucky if they ever give me a funeral. I’m inclined to think they’ll stuff me in a trash compactor and then when I’m condensed enough to fit into some empty pet food can, they’ll put me in it and buried it in a field somewhere.

I bet some of you think I’m kidding too. That shows what you know. Which is why I also have my special plan for dealing with old geezer face. I’m going to blow every cent I have left on some young girl to be my nurse. I won’t even care if she can take my temperature. Just that she knows how to keep my warm. Enough said?


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