Sunday, June 04, 2006


Okay the pat answer is not the one I’m groping for here. It isn’t buck. There are things you can get a bang from without a buck. True, they might not be as much fun. Well for me since money is important, but it doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy them just the same.

In this case I thinking of bang as in an explosion that takes place in your gut in good way. It quakes through your whole body and drives you insane with joy.

Now these days most of that kind of joy will cost you some bucks. That is unless you are going to lie about the bang part. Otherwise it probably will.

However, with a little influx of creativity you never know. There are in reality certain ways to get some bang of joy that may not cost you anything. True, they may not be the kind you can boast about, but they can give you a bang.

For example, creating chaos, of a restrained, not totally illegal nature can give you a bang. I’m not talking about something lame such as screaming fire in a theater. No class with that kind of option.

But gossip is always a good standby. Providing it is totally bogus. The real joy comes in preying upon people’s paranoia and gullibility. Just getting them to believe something totally stupid can be tons of snickers.

At least it is to me. It just gives me some extra thrill when I can toss out some bogus tidbit of fact that can give a person pure anxiety.

Well as I said, it works for me. It might not work for everyone, but it works for me. And that isn’t they only type of bang for less expense.

There are a host of possibilities. It all comes down to how much you want it. That and how much you are willing to discard any need for things like morals, kindness or decency.

However, aren’t those things overrated anyway? I think so. I sort of have to in order to survive without letting that shred of conscience that still exists in my brain get too me.

So instead it is just easy to keep playing the game and collect those snickers if and when. And doing it without having the cops pounding on my door or being served with a summons would even be better.

Alas, there is so much time and so little opportunity to truly get as much bang as I like for no buck. But I keep hanging in there. For you never know when the next opportunity will take place.

Yep, some things in life make it worth living. A bang or two of the right kind keeps the heart pumping. Screw it up though will end up with possibly a wound in the wrong places.


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