Friday, June 02, 2006


I truly love when this is the choice. It just gives me shivers of pure euphoric greed when there is no down side to an option.

The sad thing is it just doesn’t come up as often as I would like. But that doesn’t mean I can’t wish it was all the time.

Now because this is so appealing, I do my best to turn as many occasions into this type of situation when possible. How do I achieve it? Simple, I cheat. Yep, I make up the rules as I go along and if I don’t find a winning combination, I invent one.

What is the value of all of that? It is Because it is less depressing and more fun than thinking of disasters.

The amazing thing is that when I start looking at life in that corridor I actually am more inclined to find all the pluses and less of the downsides of situations. Call it attitude, call it mind messaging, but it sure works for me.

I just wish it was easier to persuade others to join me in that type of exercise. I could just imagine how more of that kind of thinking would make things easier between people.

I’m not speaking of a bunch of positivism crap. Which is exactly how I feel about the mental fluff of feel good positive thinking. It sounds so wonderful to think in terms of good things happening, but in reality if you don’t actually DO anything about the issue it never gets better.

So what I do is simply look at the situation and ask “How can I fix this?” I look for cures instead of simply flapping my gums.

But that is me. And every once and a while I do make a disciple or two in this genre of thought.

For me the real better and better deal comes from taking somebody and making disciple out of them so they will feel incline to actually try more often. It makes them feel good and in the end it often makes them work harder and I get all the perks.

That is the real better and better for me. Yeah, it is sucky to think of people as something that are better when I get to abuse them, but I figure I doing them a favor.

Yes, I said I’m doing them a favor. I call it education. I’m teaching them the wisdom of not trusting jerks like me.

Which I truly think is a plus. Well as I said I do cheat at the rules naturally so for me any excuse works.

That makes dealing with the guilt easier as time goes on. It is the better and better I truly find one I can live with most of all.


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