Tuesday, June 06, 2006


We normally say this about some one after they are dead. Whether we said it of them while they were alive I guess depends on who was their publicists.

I was thinking the other day about how greatness is really a fantasy. I mean of all the people I’ve know in my life the ones that were consider great we regarded that way for some specific achievement. Such as being a champion in sports.

Oh admittedly they were great at that competition. However, the thing is so often some other parts of their lives often suck big time.

So in relative terms therefore you really can be wonderful and fantastic in one thing and a total moron or even failure in another. Of course the fun thing is if you manage to be successful at one thing to a level that is consider great then nobody seems to be as worried about the parts of your life that don’t work so hot.

Personally I like that arrangement. As a politician I truly cleave to the whole concept without hesitation. I want my public image, no matter how much it is crap. It is the one people see and that works for me.

And as long as they don’t get a chance to find out how much I’m a first class phony then I’m happy. Naturally to maintain any decent lie you have to enjoy living a lie.

That might bother some people, but I don’t care. I get to sit in the Mayor’s office and pretend I know what I’m doing. And if you dare to ask a question, well then you can be darn sure I’ll refer you to one of my help. Why should I risk my façade of an image by doing something or saying something where you will find out I’m totally inept most of the time.

Okay, I’m sure a few people will gripe and say, “Hey that isn’t fair to the voters.” I disagree. As far as I view it, life sucks and politics sucks even more. Nothing made by the hand of man ever works as it is supposed to.

So what I do is savor the wondrous opportunity to celebrate how and when I can help people see there is hope. True, I won’t tell them the truth that in reality they are screwed. The longer I help them avoid that reality the better off they are.

Along the way I get to help inspire confidence. That is more beneficial than if I was to let them know there was no way things will ever get better. They will figure that out for themselves in due time.

In the meantime, boys and girls, it is play time and doing what I can to keep the soap opera that is life from ever ending. I work very hard at not working at all.

Which naturally I have no reason to spoil by letting anyone know the facts. That way maybe I’ll manage to keep my flimsy veil of pseudo-greatness alive a little while longer.


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