Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Well admittedly the word “size” could refer to a lot of things. Now for those not inclined to think in ah, certain “term” that is what they say when saying size does or does not matter as I said the word size can apply to a lot of subjects.

Now when one says, “Try that for size,” I think most often what is being said is “hey let’s see if that fits.” And normally it seems that it doesn’t. Well that is my observation.

Why? I think it is because of perception. Basically one is the right size of whatever to one person is NOT the same that will fit somebody else. Only how come we don’t seem to be able to figure that out most of the time.

What got me rambling on this was having to deal with this one person. Little Mary Sunshine as I prefer to call her always sees the glass half full. Being upbeat is good. But you know you ought to start by at least having a glass!

With her what can I say? Basically with her one size of anything fits all. It doesn’t matter what it is she knows it will fit. She doesn’t have any facts. May never have actually had experience with it in the past, but she knows the size or “solution” will work.

I think what amazes me is that you can pretty much be guaranteed that in about 99 per cent of the cases she will be a hundred per cent WRONG! Does it in any way cause her to stop and think that remotely her one size fits all might be a bad idea. Of course not.

I try to use Little Mary Sunshine to my advantage. Whenever I’m trying to pull a fast one with the council and sneak through another con to squeeze out a few extra bucks for myself I ask her to come to the meeting.

You see with Little Mary Sunshine beyond her blind form of positivism she is also hopeless gullible. She actually thinks I’m a caring and decent guy. Now is that gullible or what?

So I just call her up and mention some idea without giving her enough details to let her know the truth. Then I casually mention how it would be great if she could come to the meeting and she ends up falling for it.

All I have to do then is let her get up and give her little speech about great the idea is and the council normally falls for it. So I get what I want, Little Mary Sunshine leaves thinking she’s done a good thing and the council goes back to ignoring life and reality as they normally do.

Which ends in one size in terms of my bank account that definitely works for me! Of course I won’t share that tidbit with others, especially Mary. Why risk having to adjust that size of whatever because the truth makes it not fit!


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