Thursday, February 09, 2006


I can’t say that I always enjoy a challenge. But sometimes it is helpful to the ego. Providing you win or at least figure a way to cheat so you can win or brag like you did.

There’s that old saying about no pain, no gain. However I would like to suggest that maybe, just maybe it might be good if the pain part was done by one person and the gain by another. I’ll volunteer for the gain part.

Maybe that isn’t the concept behind the saying, but I think it is closer to the truth in a lot of situations. For example with war. The generals get the glory and any gain from a victory and the poor ordinary soldier gets the pain if he avoids getting killed altogether!

On a less severe level you also have the aspect of work in general. The president of a company might work hard, but I imagine the pain or sweating part happens mainly to the guy at the bottom.

So even though this saying might be associated with something like exercise, I think it really does have a much broader value. It for me is the philosophical statement that is the foundation for most of our society. That’s right, power rules and those without it end up having a case of the drools. (Had to make that rhyme somehow!)

I for one enjoy this process as it applies to my own benefit. If anything I am partially jealous of the big boys in politics who get so much more gain while letting so many others know the pain.

The big danger to this whole process comes from those silly and unreasonable people that belief in odd thinks like fairness. I’m sorry folks, but from my point of view fairness and all its offspring in one form or another is merely an illusion. It is a wonderful fantasy that would work if nobody on the planet is a greedy selfish rat like me. But we know that isn’t going to happen. So instead we get the I gain you get the pain option.

Along the way once and a while you end up with the boys at the top actually doling out a little gain to the little guy. Oh this is rare, which I imagine mainly happens when they can shake stupid wave of conscience we all tolerate from time to time. So they get rid of that problem by simply giving a token of relief and then it is business as usual.

Which is fine by me as long as I can stay on the right side of the gain instead of the pain side. Hey what can I say, I have a low tolerance to pain. Okay I’m lazy. But at least I am smart enough to appreciate it. So that works in my favor in keeping my brain functioning on more and creative ways to let the other slob have the pain portion.

We call it life in this great democracy. When I say we I do me the gain people. Those on the pain side obviously have a different name for it. However I don’t use that kind of language in my postings.


Blogger Kendra said...

What a sad, uninspiring way to look at the world, not willing to work hard for the things that you get! Has this strategy worked for you so far or are you one of those people who have been on the pain side of the equation for too long?

4:04 PM  

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