Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Yep, color me gone as the trite saying sometimes says in terms of trying to be clever. Ah yes there is nothing finer than to be some place kinder! Okay I’m not turning poet here, just expressing the simple joy of admitting I like to play.

And honestly what good is life if you can’t smile once and a while? That’s my philosophy. Only I think at times I’m alone in that regard. Now that is truly depressing too. Because the problem is that too many darn people don’t seem to be able to enjoy life and apparently don’t want anyone else to do so either.

True there are times when life sucks. It would hardly inspire to pretend otherwise. Okay so you have a lousy job. So what if you are married and have a sex life that well, only exists in your head. (Or am I the only one for whom most of the time the only fireworks in our bedroom occur when we look out the window on the Fourth of July?)

Anyway I’m sure I’m not saying anything that anyone else hasn’t been through themselves plenty of time. Which is my whole point. Why let the part of your life you can control suck as bad as the part you can’t?

Maybe you can’t get rich or famous. Perhaps you’ll never have respect, love or the kind of happiness they portray in movies. So what? It doesn’t mean you can’t invent some other way to enjoy life. I know I do.

My biggest problem is that whenever I work at this I always end up with too many darn people who seem to sense my frivolous plotting to steal a smile or two. That’s when they love descending upon my rear end and figuring some way to ruin my party.

Frankly if hating life and loving being unhappy is your hobby by all means knock yourself out. Just don’t bug me about it. Go out there and frown and pretend you are some martyr. I’ll even applaud and send you as sympathy card if you need one. But for crying out loud don’t expect me to join you.

As a politician I have the added complication of being around so many people who think just because they voted for me I ought to work all the time at being a Mayor. You silly ninnies! I want to tell you that from my point of view in order to really serve the public I need to be relaxed so my creative side will flourish. That doesn’t happen by accident or if I’m too bored. It takes work to make goofing off truly blessed!

I know I’m probably wasting my breath on some of you. I shall pity you and most likely toast your misery and wish it will come to an end. In fact I’ll even toast it several times if it will help. Just don’t expect me to want to join you grump club. That I won’t do.

Now for any of you who are willing to listen to reason and simply haven’t crossed over that rapturous bridge of knowing how great it is to be lazy without appearing so, I say welcome. If you need any pointers on how to turn this visit into a lifestyle I’ll be glad to help. And my rates for such lessons are generally reasonable. At least too me!


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