Wednesday, February 08, 2006

All Dressed and No where to...

The dressing up part is not the hard aspect of any of this too me. It is the no where to portion that can be annoying to say the least.

As Mayor I get invited to all kinds of events. Actually it is more like getting stuck. Unless you consider having to attend some boring dinner where I have to listen to another liar give a speech as fun. Plus where do they find the worst food imaginable to serve at these things? Did somebody spend time figuring out to make a chicken out of rubber so it wouldn’t spoil? As for what they laughingly call vegetables, I’ve accidentally tasted cardboard that had more flavor.

But I digress. The biggest problem for me isn’t getting stuck going to such activities despite how it might seem. My main problem is worrying about not being invited to the cool parties. I don’t feel any sadness when I figure a way to weasel out of attending some lame affair. I do feel remorse when I get snubbed in terms of not getting a chance to go to some truly great event.

I have to admit that I take such disappointments very personal. I work very hard as Mayor trying to suck up to the right people. My city is like any city. We have our “in crowd.” Normally that involves individuals with plenty of bucks and naturally a certain amount of power. These are the mover and shakers in my city. The type you want to hang with if you expect to get anything accomplished.

What I hate is when I find out they are planning an event and I don’t get invited. That I treat as meaning I somehow failed in terms of having earned enough brownie points in their eyes to deserve to be included in their event.

Making things worse at the times is when I do get invited to some activity I genuinely want to attend then I get all excited only to find out at the last minute they cancelled the event. Or at least that is the excuse they give me. Yep even as Mayor I get those moments too.

It’s all part of surviving the political and social jungle in which I live. What can I say, I might find the whole process less than appealing in some ways, but that doesn’t keep me from having to cope with it good or bad.

I have been giving thought though to ways I might manage in some way to change this program. Sort of form of social insurance that would take the stress out of the process.

However at present the only thing I can think of that might help is some form of blackmail. And gee I don’t know, but the greedy side of my nature comes out and I just can bear the idea of squandering some perfectly good incriminating evidence on something as trivial as a party. Why waste it for a few laughs when it might help out my pocket book in another situation.

So till I manage a different strategy I guess I still continue playing the game and hoping to avoid the pitfalls of rubber chicken platters as often as possible.


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