Monday, February 06, 2006


This always looks so great when you see it in a commercial. They have those “before” and “after” pictures of whatever or whoever used their products. And they imply if you use their product that you will get “quick” results. Basically they are suggesting you will get the same results as those you see in the commercial.

Like those diet commercials or fitness commercials. The after picture is always of some truly attractive model type. And they love to give you the impression that is how you will look. Well that is providing you don’t look in the mirror!

I’m sorry and I don’t mean to be cruel here, but Mother Nature is sometimes blessed in my opinion with a real sadistic sense of humor! How else can you explain the silliness of how some of us end up looking.

So who can blame somebody for wanting to undo the mess created by Mother Nature. But hey we are talking realistic here, not miracles. There is just so much a plastic surgeon or fitness trainer can do. And let me tell you in reality that isn’t going to be quick either.

What is even more fun is the part where at the end they have some announcer speaking very fast and at a whisper that mutters about results may vary. Of course they aren’t going to tell you that before then. If they did you might not watch the rest of the advertisement.

There are some things where you don’t actually need fast results. Like say getting you’re car repaired. Oh you don’t want to wait forever, but if takes a day then that’s no big deal.

However advertisers do appreciate with things like diet products you WANT and expect fast results. I mean you want to be able to get it over with as soon as possible so you can go back to stuffing your face. Tell me I’m not right on that one.

So the game and stupidity continues. We know it is all silly. We know that we probably going to get quick results in the same way that fast food will be fast. But we fall for it anyway.

As for me, just knowing it will always work gives me hope. I mean as long as I can count on people buying into that fantasy then I know there is hope for my future as a politician. Yep, there is nothing to grace my day better than to see some poor overweight soul trying to get by eating some protein bar for lunch in hopes that when they wake up in the morning they will be a hundred pounds lighter. I know they are aware that is a joke, but what can you say, they fall for it just like the rest of us when it comes to quick result promises that are never going to be quick. Life goes on and we all get to sing the same stupid song. Over and over. I almost feel like I should be leading a choir at this point that starts out, “We are the gullible yes we are, just tell us nothing, but bull because we’ll buy it constantly!”


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