Monday, February 13, 2006


The very mention of this word is enough to give some people the shakes. However to me problems are sort like the weather. It might seem like a strange comparison, but I think I feel that way because a problem is really a matter of perception. And even though you might disagree I see the weather in the same category.

For example, let me mention something like rain. To a farmer, rain is often a good thing. Unless it is so much that one gets floods. Then I imagine they are rejoicing. Whereas if you live in the city and the rain keeps you from enjoying an outing it can viewed as a problem.

In both cases rain is rain. It is as I said a matter of perception. Thus weather is what it is, we are the ones who interpreted by our values.

I see problems in a similar category in that regard. What is a problem for one person may be a blessing to another person. That can itself be a problem if you are asked to help someone with their idea of a problem and to you it isn’t a big deal.

Beyond the issue though of things like actually deciding what is a problem there is the reality that everyone faces some kind of problem. There are a whole lot of philosophers and theologians who have tried to give us reason why life is like that, but I’m not sure any one person has come up with a universal truth in that regard.

I have ventured into that murky realm of wonderment myself on occasion. I can’t say I have achieved any epiphany in terms of why this is a reality. I just know that it is.

I also know that most of us would love to not have problems. Well at least most sane people would probably do that in my view. The emphasis of course is on sane people.

However to be honest I’ve observed that there are a whole lot of folks who maybe aren’t totally functioning on a sane level. I say that because from what I’ve seen there are plenty of folks that honestly seem to revel in when they have problems. They simply are never happy unless they are miserable.

Those folks are the ones that are never content to simple enjoy their forced agony. They have to share the joy with everyone else. And if you aren’t where they can tell you about their joy of problems you can be sure they will hunt you down and be sure you find out in one way or another.

The really odd thing I’ve discovered is that these folks honestly don’t want their problems fixed. If you offer them ways to solve the problem you can be sure they will give you an excuse to be sure they keep having the problem.

Ah life is so wonderful. And when you sit in my Mayor’s chair it gets even more interesting. The big problem is knowing when somebody loves having their pain more than any cure. Figuring that part out really makes the difference between if you end up having a smile or frown when dealing with people who only want a frown.


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