Saturday, February 11, 2006


This is the Limburger take on that old saying “come and get it.” That was I believe mainly having to do with meals. Grandma would be whipping up a scrumptious banquet. She did all the sweating and cooking and then when she was done you got to hear her say those fateful words before you went it to stuff your face. What isn’t said in all of that is how it was free. Granny’s are like that. Well at least that is the prevailing image.

Now with my version, I don’t take the giving granny approach. Mine is tailor to more practical considerations such as the fact that I’m not about to sweat if there is any way to avoid it. Not me. You can forget that idea.

Secondly I never do anything for free. Granny might have had deep pockets, but mine are not going to get empty by any freebe. Nope that doesn’t work for me.

So my twist on this is naturally that you do get to come to my event or need or whatever and when you are there you get to leave it as in your time, labor or money. Fair is fair as I see it. Little if anything worth while ever turns out to be for free. So why should I in any way mess with the natural order of things? Why give people help they won’t find somewhere else?

Instead I believe it helping to guide people according to their proper balance in the system. Translation: Make sure people have no illusions about where they fit in the world. Oh I do enjoy passing on a feast of hope. I have learned how people with hope work harder than those without any.

That is the consummate strategy I employ in my war of smiles and votes. I keep the casualties among the troops to a minimum while hoping to always render my political enemy a lethal blow.

Okay that is all the joyous rhetoric of my view of life. It works for me. And you know what? Judging from the countless times people line up to volunteer when they think they will profit in the process I have a feeling it works for a lot of people besides me.

In the meantime I won’t complain if granny wants to continue her practice of slaving away at some stove to give her grandkids a big meal for free. Knock herself out I say. And I’ll even join it. Hmmm, I wonder if she would notice if I brought a bag to fill up with goodies to take back for some party I’m having. I mean if she is giving it away why not figure a way to cut down my expenses in the process? I doubt if she’ll mind. Plus it will give me a little extra profit cushion.

Guess I’m off to venture into the armpit of life called having to mingle with the blood sucking leeches of people who think this come and get it thing applies to me. There are still a few out there who think like that. Not many, but a few. They do find out sooner or later with me it doesn’t work that way. But the lesson has to continue till every one I have to meet or deal with learns to bring their pocket book full of cash when we meet and leave with it empty.


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