Sunday, February 26, 2006


Ah the joys of being downright coarse and annoying. There are times the soul craves to open up the floodgates of dark urgings and allow the simple joy of depravity wash over anyone and anything. Yep it is a special time when you succumb to the precocious mood of granting that stupid, silly and absurd side of one’s nature sprout wings and fly in the air. Of course you become a bird with the primary purpose to find someone to bomb with your droppings of crap!

Now that is my little graphic way of leading into the reality of what drives some people, myself included. See we can for a short time act civil. Well we can pretend. And do a pretty darn good job of it in the process.

Sooner or later the real nature has to breathe. It has to be released from that cell of inhibitions and fear where it is kept prisoner for the sake of being able to survive in society. However eventually the monster must be fed. You have to grant it the chance to devour something or it will consume you.

For some people they can deal with that beast in a simple way. They go to a bar or sports event, get drunk and act totally crude and then come away feeling good. Oh they might claim the feel good because of some other reason, but the plain fact it is due to having fed that creature they otherwise like to keep locked away.

That is where I have my since of complaint. As a Mayor I have less chance to do that in the same way. Oh I can get away with it to some degree. However there are certain regrettable limitations due to my elected persona that preclude me from totally surrendering to my little inner beastie.

People, as in voters, just don’t seem to grant me the same entitlement of lunacy they would to say a construction worker, used car salesman or any other naturally crass and wild or crazy person. Not that I’m saying all construction workers or used car salesman are in need of such expression. Just that they would hardly be blamed or considered out of line for acting that way.

Still despite the inequity, I do my best to be creative in my options. Maybe Joe Public doesn’t appreciate my need for acting in such a manner as much as the next person, but it is definitely not going to prevent me from doing what I can to gleam a moment or two of pure depraved joy.

So why do I need to “blog” about it? I say why not. If I can help some other poor suffering politician who is feeling depressed because they haven’t been able to take their beastie for a walk know it is okay then I’m a success. Yep I am willing to risk being impaled by the news vipers in order to spread the gospel of good times for one and all!

Having done my duty it is time for me to practice what I preach. Hmmm, I wonder what assumed name I should use this time? And that fake beard and glasses should be okay, I didn’t wear them out from the last time. Well have fun folks, I know I will even if I have to do so as John Smith.


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