Saturday, February 18, 2006


Well I wish this saying didn’t even have to be one that I used. But let me tell you sometimes more only ends with extra stress. I didn’t say I’m celebrating this reality, merely that it is one I face too often.

No I’m not trying to find a shoulder to cry on. I don’t have any trouble finding people to listen when I want to gripe. True, normally it is some “rent-a-date,” but for the right price she’ll pretty much listen to any crap and I have to say. And for an extra fee she’ll pretend that it is interesting and even act like she cares. So there!

Meanwhile getting back to this whole business of stress and the times it seems to come in ways, you can be darn sure that I am well aware it isn’t going to change. I wish it would, but I know better.

So why take up some posting rambling over obvious dribble? I say why not! I mean I do have occasion to poke around and take a check of other blogs from time to time. And believe me griping seems to be real big part of blogging from what I can tell.

Yep, if you can’t gripe then it just doesn’t seem to be a worthy blog. Except for those type that are “ahem” informative. So guy out there decides he wants to enlighten us to whatever and does. Good for him. Maybe we can figure a way to reward him with some kind of good guy crown. That is providing I can steal it from that darn insipid do-gooder in my city, Lance Allworthy. I don’t really feel like saying too much more about him than necessary. It is too depressing to a guy like me to have to think about some guy who actually wants to help people!

Anyway, getting back to the joy of this whole mess. I don’t know, I really savor looking forward to any day, which seems to have a pulse that screams, “this is going to make you wish you were dead” kind of experience. I don’t personally revel in that kind of sensation. Some might, but not me.

And you know what my enduring cure is for this problem? I find some poor slob to dump my grief on. Yep let the harrier part grow hair on some other dude’s shoulders.

Is that really a plausible form of solution? Well maybe not for you, but it sure works for me. I’m mean I’m a guy in the driver’s seat in terms of things like seeing that my city stays on the road to a reasonable spot of progress. True, my map may not be as detailed some might prefer, but hey it does work for me.

So if I have to keep from any detours and roadblocks by changing the traffic signs from some other clown gets lost, so be it. Hey, I never said this was fair. I just said that it worked for me.

Now if you want it to work for you then you need to get my kind of driver’s license. One that you only get after you are elected thanks to having changed enough signs and lied about it that nobody knows where they are going for sure.


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