Thursday, February 23, 2006


Okay this might be sound advice for those considering crossing a street. Basic common sense rule is naturally don’t try to walk when some car is coming. Of minor detail is the added suggestion to walk in crosswalk. Jay walking is one of those little indulgences that traffic cops love to frown upon with little pieces of paper that require you to make a contribution to the city’s coffers.

In any event that review of the aspects of looking both ways is a foundation for greater and more relevant aspect of my posting. Mainly I am speaking in terms of looking both ways in terms of right and wrong. Yeah you read that right. I said right and wrong.

No, I’m not going to do the obvious and suggest that after looking at the choices of right and wrong that you choice right. That would be too easy. Plus I’m enough of a hypocrite and disgusting bug of a human being. I don’t intend to take detour here into the land of morality that exists in the “good” neighborhood.

My thought has to do with examining the consequences to any situation and knowing the risks up front. Not for the sake of choosing right, but for the purpose of planning a winning strategy so you can one can choose the bad and get away with it.

Ah, now I can tell the lights are probably going off. “I see,” I can imagine some people might be saying. So here I offer up a few helpful hints for the morally challenge who don’t care to surrender to the light side, um that’s the good side in case you needed to be told.

Okay, helpful hint number one. First of all, be sure you are able to look both ways in terms of ALL the traffic. That is to be careful you know all the facts so you don’t get blindside by some law or judge or undercover, um you get the idea I imagine.

Amazingly it is so darn easy to get sucked into thinking you are so clever when you’ve figured some way to beat the system. However in the midst of such smugness one can regrettably get too full of pride and then your brain goes numb, which makes your eyes get blurry. When that happens, BAM! You walk out onto a road thinking is it safe and some truck eats you for lunch.

In the meantime for the more prudent and reasonable, I offer helpful hint number two. Be realistic. By that I mean, if you are on laid up in a bed and can’t walk at all don’t even think of crossing the street. Basically be sure you have the actual “equipment” you need to do whatever you have to do before you shout “charge!”

Well for the enlightened and totally morally corrupt all of this will be something helpful. For those who still have so silly wisp of ethics, then you have my sympathy. There is not much I can do for you that will help.

So for you I say enjoy watching the traffic. I and my buddies who know how to “cheat” successful will wave from you on the other side of the street!


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