Friday, January 06, 2006


Ah how sweet it is to be an expert in hindsight. The challenge it so have hindsight, but create the illusion you are a prophet. Claiming to know the outcome before hand when you didn’t have a clue is for me a work of art.

Part of the battle is to find a way to discover something positive that occurs in a given situation. It doesn’t matter what the reality of the given event happens to be as long as you can find merit in the results. Basically the good in the bad.

I regard it all to be a fun game that must be played. The real joy lies in knowing that most people not only don’t treat is as a game, but certainly have no clue that is had rules either. Which is extra important when you consider they have no idea when you are cheating or making up the score.

Why is this charade so important? For me it is the issue of maintaining the illusion of the fabric of our society making sense. Personally it really doesn’t, but that isn’t that critical. What is important is making sure we all embrace the fantasy. After all what good is life without dreams?

Not much from my view. That is because dreams represent hope. Providing they are uplifting and not nightmares. Those are not helpful to the game. They might work in terms of making a person question the game, but not for getting them to enjoy it.

Which is why I have to work so hard at giving each ending some nice positive spin. Even if the project was a disaster and way over budget we can celebrate the human spirit’s capacity to overcome adversity.

That is one of many phrases and themes I keep in my repertoire of dramatic comments I keep on file for the right moment. And I truly rejoice on how it works. Time and time again.

While some may find this a shameful diversion from the truth, I don’t. And I ask the question do we really gain by admitting when pure dumb luck is responsible for success and human error the fodder of failure?

So think it despicable, call it shocking or disgusting, but all in all it keeps the party going. And as long as we all wear the same costume hats of nodding over how it works even when it does, I’m happy.

Life does go one I suppose. It is a fitting end in so many ways when we smile at the mess and the ends that are like dead ends.

I for one rejoice with such a process. Some may not. But when you come to your sense and get tired of being depressed, well the party is always going on somewhere.

You will have to bring your hat of denial. The one that fits your head better than any I could lie about.


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