Sunday, January 25, 2009


A wonderful final word for a disaster. Which makes it all so much ore satisfying than getting upset.

Well been there and done that. Know the “moral victories.” All those terrific times you define as a learning experience.

It all sounds great. At least on the surface. However deep down it sucks. None of us is thrilled by these times.

So you make up this stuff about how great it is and blessed. If you say it long enough you might even believe it.

But while all that sounds uplifting it is a crock. At least to anyone that loves winning. Sorry not a joy.

Personally this is all part of a speech I give to others. Yeah, once they have tried something and failed.

It works great with causes. Yep, love those times. All those do-gooders who want change.

Which naturally most of the time I’ve been working against the change. Not that I admit it.

That would never be a wise idea on my part. Just part of my doing business on the side. And not admitting it.

This can be so tricky. I mean I get involved with some investment deal and just see it as business as usual.

So once and a while you have to make certain choices. Like when I had to foreclose on that shelter.

Didn’t want to do it, but a strip mall just cried to be built there. So that is what I did. And I did make my attempt to not cause problems.

We have a nice park with plenty of bushes for them to use. Yeah, I thought it was a good idea.

Well some activist complained. Then asked me to help as Mayor. Boy was that exhausting.

All those lies and fake committees. Just too much work. And I was sure glad when I gave that well get even next time.

Just didn’t say how.


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