Thursday, December 18, 2008


Ah, the sweet taste of success when you won out over somebody else. I know some might say it is wrong to boast.

But there are times it is so beneficial. And for that we can be thankful. Providing it happens when we want.

Which is never quite what we want. Now for me, well I savor every victory. Even when they don’t happen the way I want.

This just becomes a case of you know being sure I can use it according to our needs. Now that is when it comes the case of what we want.

I mean that we tailor the battle to fit our needs. Yep, that is when it really counts. Well providing we allow it to be that way.

In any case I am trying to figure the most gracious ways to let this become a nice thing. Something you can you know celebrate in a way that really matters.

Now that is the matter that really counts. Yep, it is where you can take the time to check out all the options.

See there are good and bad forms of victory. The ones that are about success and the ones about doing it illegally.

In any case we try to get a clear picture of what is important. Really that is what matters. Do it right and you have success.

Do it wrong and you get messed up. Yeah that is the part the really matters. Providing you did take it the right way.

And that all required the simple means to be sure you always keep the facts straight. Now maybe not what you tell others.

In any case I will do what I can to keep them in the right perspective. As long as you win then what you really happens doesn’t matter.

See there is a fine line between you know making crap up and boasting. The important part is you always tell the others what you want them to believe.

Do it with a fake sense of humility and you are even better off. Oh yeah that is a blessing. Well it works that way for me.

Not for everyone. Wish it did. But then some just can’t seem to appreciate this reality. Yeah, that is the problem.

Oh well. We do have reason to smile when it comes out right.


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