Sunday, June 01, 2008


Ah, memories, that will do it. They kind where you have a reason to cherish the event. As in when somebody got deserved grief.

Oh yeah that is a fun thing. You can sit back and relish the moment Remember each vivid detail and smile.

Now if you are talking about giving somebody else a gift of smiles then this is different. You need to focus on happiness.

I like to think in terms of what would make me happy. Perhaps this is not the right focus to some, but I think it is important.

For if I am happy the others will find some happiness too. Primarily because I won't be thinking of ways to victimize them.

I know I shouldn't think it those terms, but hey so many others do, I hate to miss out and being normal. Well being in a position to feel that is normal.

Okay some would toss in the issue of charity. Okay fine with me. I believe in being generous.

Just you know in a way that produces good feelings in the process. Which only happens if I do manage to gain in the process.

Yep, we are talking giving to get. Tell me nobody else thinks of that? I think it comes up all the time.

See, what really is the difference between say giving and expecting something in return than giving and having a tax write off in the process? I think they are the same.

Now some won't agree. And that is fine. But then I want to see their tax returns. Buddy, if Uncle Sam picked up the tab for your charity then don't pretend.

Yeah, that is simple enough. Let's just get this straighten out for all our sakes. Then we can make the whole thing fun.

A little joy and happiness can be spread around for all. Fair enough to me. No big deal as far as I 'm concerned.

Just have to cope with those darn nit picky types. They want help with no conditions. Oh yeah like that works.

Come on buddy, give me a break. Take my gift and then help me out in the process. And don't pretend either.

Fair enough? Always is on the Limburger plan.


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