Monday, October 01, 2007


Is this really so terrible? I'm not sure to be honest. I mean you do spend the time. It isn't like you tossed it away and never used it.

That is my view of wasting time. Which can't happen, so I don't think of it that way. Stupid huh?

I can't help it. From my view that is how I chose to regard this subject no matter how some treat it.

See it is always the people without any imagination to gripe about this. That is because the lack the creativity to really waste time in fun way.

If they had their choice everyone would live in a coffin when not working. No, I'm not exaggerating.

Honestly there are some people who would never be able to enjoy life regardless of how you spent the time. It would never give them pleasure.

Which I think is sort of an important element to have in life. The way I figure boring happens naturally.

You don't have to plan for it. You don't have to want it. It just happens all without effort.
Which makes fun the real challenge.

So let's just put on the thinking caps, which are party hats by the way and spread the smiles. Come on let's do it for the sake of sanity.

Well for the sake of my sanity at least. For me the waste of time comes when it is spent doing anything other than having fun.

That is the down time for finding heaven in your veins. Oh yeah, I love that idea. Being able to feel that good and on purpose.

Sorry to those who think you have to frown at all times. Who keep a watch everywhere and waste as much time figuring ways to save time rather than just live it. Dumb huh?

So from my point of view, I'm going to concentrate on the good life. On having fun whenever possible and avoiding all things boring as much as possible too.

But that is my choice. You can do whatever you wish. I hope it includes a few smiles a long the way.

What tragedy if you end up dying before your time from terminal dullness. I can help you understand. Providing you do have the ability to smile once and a while. And that is something we can work on over a beer.


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