Sunday, September 30, 2007


Ah, this is so much fun. The idea of somebody actually being like a used item you toss away is intriguing to me.

I find it fascinating to think of things in those terms. You know to be able to sit down and smile when looking at some dude who has RIP written on his forehead and doesn't know it.

Naturally, they never are aware of such things. Which makes it all the better. I mean you know it is so great when they have time to be offered up as a sacrificial lamb.

Course I never tell them that is their fate. Why spoil the fun of the surprise when it comes?

Yeah, it is one of my pleasures in life. Taking those who are doomed and helping them realize their potential.

Yes, I said it was potential. Okay, perhaps not in terms of something some would regard as uplifting by some definitions.

But it sure is to me. I love the idea of spreading this kind of joy. Just makes me quiver with joy.

And to be able to help such people along the way to extinction. Okay, that might not be how some would view it as good.

What can I say? I always feel so great when I see fate actually work as I want. Make me restored in my joy of life.

As for the poor slobs on the receiving process, well I'm proud of them. Every poor sap who is going to end up being litter in one way or another.

I'm just grateful to be part of the process. To do my part to help the system function. That gives me such joy.

I do wish more people would embrace this system. I would find the whole system quite helpful.

But then I'm not on the fate's hit list. I might like to offer of them a few suggestions for additions.

Now it might even have been fun to start a waiting list. I can dream even if I can't write the list.

But that can change. All in due time. Which never happens when I want to, but I'm working on improving that.


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