Tuesday, October 02, 2007


I tell you there are times when it is better not to make a bargain with sometimes. And amazing it is not when I'm dealing with crooks either.

I take extra precautions when having to deal with such people. We don't trust each other so we are both careful to be sure we get all the facts.

Just something about knowing you can't trust people that inspires care and caution. You just prepare to get reamed so you make sure you don't.

Where things get complicated is when you are dealing with supposedly honest people. They are so unpredictable.

Personally, I think it is because they are too honest. And when they find out somebody has lied, well they go nuts.

That always leads them to overreact. They will not sulk and go away feeling wounded. They want blood.

And the more honest they are, the more the more you can be sure they will try to get even. Which makes them very dangerous.

But the big problem with honest people is that you think they are also gullible. That they will somehow be an easy mark for one's lies.

The only problem is that they also remember. That means they will know what you said even if you have forgotten.

So that can sure be a pain if you don't watch out. It can really mess with your head. Because when you lie all the time you can't forget everything you said.

And when it comes to payback, that can be totally deadly. Which is why I avoid them as much as possible.

But others that are just as bad are those who were crooks and suddenly got religion. Even worse if they don't tell you about it.

Which is nearly as bad as the one who appears to be a crook, but it really honest. Those can be so seductive to you.

You think they are a crook so you act extra careful. Only that makes them suspicious because they think you are up to something.

Again it doesn't end in joy. Just a lot of finger pointing. And that never improves things. Just depresses. And let me tell you there is nothing more upsetting than being betrayed by a person you thought was a crook and instead was honest.


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