Wednesday, October 03, 2007


No, this isn't about the obvious. That would be too easy. Not that I wouldn't relish you know going there. After all, piety and a clean mind are not among my notable assets.

Be that as it may be, I didn't reserve this posting for that purpose. No, no, no, no. Instead I want to talk about the joy of wearing a great pair of pants.

Oh yeah, a nice pair of really expensive slacks just feel so good against the skin. Sound odd? Well let me tell you, it sure makes my day.

And I realize that compared to some things, slacks are not life saving issues, but they still feel pretty darn important to me. That is because of what they symbolize in my mind.

Which is luxury on a most personal level. One that you can feel and actually enjoy without anyone around. Most of all, it is legal.

Will doing this end the world's problems? Will end rid the earth of poverty, disease or death?

Nope. I never in anyway claimed that. Nor would I. But I do feel it will make you smile. And anything that does that is a good thing.

Oh yeah, it is the little things to be sure that truly gives you a reason to feel good. They are seldom given a lot of attention, but heck they are still fun.

And when you get past all the silliness people say is important, that counts for something. At least it does for me.

I have to admit that this is a philosophy that had evolved in my thinking. One that truly does inspire a new appreciation for what is important in life.

For me I have grown tired by all the obsession with things like making a living. I mean the way I approach it really gets exhausting.

Plotting and planning, doing all that sneaky activity really does wear a person down. Does for me at least.

So that is why at times I just enjoy having a chance to enjoy when I can savor something and not feel guilty. Course I do have to fudge a bit.

I mean if I spend a fortune on the pants then it can be rather taxing at times. After all you never know when somebody might remind me that the money could have been used to help somebody in need.

But then you know, I would do my best to buy the pants when nobody is around. That cuts down on that problem.


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