Thursday, June 07, 2007


A wonderful sentiment. Wish it were reality more. Friends are great to have. When they are really friends.

Which creates the main problem. A friend to me is somebody you trust. Now that gets complicated with the people I have to deal with.

I mean when you take bribed from someone who is perfectly happy breaking the law you can hardly expect trust to be one of their strong points. So that pretty much rules out most of them as a good choice in terms of being a real friend.

As for those who work for me like my assistant, Willie Bendover, forget it. He has trouble getting through the day and remember what he did five minutes ago. Thank god he writes down what I expect him to do. I only have to worry about him not forgetting where he put his list.

Then there is my Vice Mayor, Millard Fillpoor. What can I say? This is a man who thinks a drinking fountain is his secretary and the janitor's supply closet is his office. Think you appreciate how trust is not his strong point.

Of course that leaves me with my secretary. Edna is kind of different you understand. She sort of sees life a tad less than factual. So I can hardly trust her when she thinks I'm honest and all.

This all comes down to me as one choice. First of all I naturally rule out any relatives. Well in my case I do. Too many are way too much like me and therefore I know I can't trust them.

That all comes down to one choice in my case. Basically my partner in crime, ace reporter, Hugo Muckraker.

We get along fine. And for the most part things work between us. However I am totally aware that our relationship is based up the fact that we share the same liability of guilt.

That has so far kept us going over the years. And it is enough for us to keep functioning. At least for the present.

Now if by chance I do figure a way to pin all our misdeeds on him, well then I would have to give some thought to our friendship's future. Yeah, I can be that way.

I assume you wouldn't expect me to be otherwise. If you did then I guess you would be presuming the wrong thing.

As for me, well I do savor the moment. Even if it isn't perfect and friends are less than plentiful.

Better one good friend than a dozen that lie. I do enough of that myself.


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