Monday, May 14, 2007


Yep, be my guess. Knock yourself out. Race out there and do me proud. I'll be waiting to congratulate you when you are done.

I just hope you appreciate if I don't feel the inspiration to join you. I'm all for such enthusiasm. I will help you celebrate too.

Just do it without expecting me to join you. Nothing personal you understand, I just don't feel inclined to participate.

Why? Ah, now we come to the greater problem. Which to me is about the clash between dreams and reality.

My interpretation you understand. Nothing is sadder in my view that enthusiasm, which is grounded in stupidity.

And unfortunately it seems to be the most impressive kind. Like if I'm going to put my butt on the line, I'm going to do it in a way that is utterly insane.

The biggest problem for me I guess is that most of the time when I experience somebody getting such inspiration it is someone who has never risked anything before. So in order to prove they can, they go overboard.

It is an emotional thing and not one based or driven by logic. So while they will give you a long list of reasons they are going to act nuts, it still comes down to be something that is stupid in my book.

You just can't get them to see it that way. Which is why I always end up in the same situation. You have to let them rush out and be stupid.

Then at some point when they run into a wall, you get to deal with them and savor their more sane approach. They calm down and life returns to normal. At least as normal as it gets where I live.

And let me tell you when I speak of normal, it probably would not come close to most places. There is just something about a place that is boring which brings out the insanity in people.

That translates into a lethargy, which exists as practically as hobby or lifestyle. Which translates simply into the most intense over reaction when somebody decides to do something.

Wisdom dictates in such situations that you avoid letting their rambling insanity sway you into believing they know what they are doing. I learned from bitter experience to avoid that. Sadly too late to avoid a couple of incidents that fortunately were not put in the paper thanks to my buddy, Hugo.


Blogger Tutor_With_Smiles said...

Hello, William! (Rash) You have the makings of a newspaper columnist (which I am) and you might think about it! You are a fine writer! I am Melodies... and smiling at you!

10:14 AM  

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