Friday, May 19, 2006


I think it is fair to say that a cure that doesn’t really cure anything isn’t much of a cure. And even though that is a common sense statement, perhaps even a rhetorical observation, it doesn’t mean we exercise reason when thinking in terms of cures.

Part of the problem to me is that the very word “cure” has an almost mystical power over the mind. We hear it about some disease or crisis and the mind immediately goes “whew!”

It doesn’t even matter if we actually have any way of proving that the cure works. Or whether we understand the details about the how this cure will solve a given problem. We just hear the word cure and stand jumping up and down, content that our misery for that situation is available.

What is even more amazing is how we still fall for this crap over and over again. If you don’t believe that then just look at the number of things we’ve bought into as a people over the years even when they didn’t work.

Now in reality, if you were sick and you went to some doctor and he prescribed a cure you would be thrilled. But how many times would you go back to him if he turned out to be a quack? In fact if he make you worse you might even be screaming “malpractice!”

So with health problems where our butt is on the line, we do expect cures to be cures. And it doesn’t mean if one fails we quick looking for a new one, but again I think we will look for an option to the same health wizard if they fail us.

Not so with things like politics. The same cure, homogenized by the same people till the all look the same and get the same results and “oh boy, I’ll vote for that dude again.” And even if we swallow a bad medicine and end up screwed in the process, next time around it is bend over and say, “thank you sir, may I have another.”

Perhaps this is a good thing. Well it is for me at least. I get so many chances to offer up the same cures that never work and that saves me the brain power of thinking up new cures.

Ah, the sweet victory over the gullible and indifferent. I cherish such precious memories. In fact I’m in the mood to offer up another phony cure.

What better way than to write a speech. Let’s see, I can start it out, “My fellow…” I will probably say the usual rather than what I would prefer to say, “my fellow, too apathetic to care if what I say it totally bogus.”

Still, as long as there are speeches, their will be cures that aren’t a cure. And that is good enough for me. Because I treat as a wonderful from of job security. Who can beat that for love or greed.


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