Sunday, May 14, 2006


As the old saying goes, “Size doesn’t matter.” Nobody believes that with regards to what it is suppose to apply to despite how people claim it is otherwise.

The truth is in terms of thinking, size really not only matters, but it is down right critical to one’s attitude. Only not in the way some people think. Not from my point of view.

You see the thing is to me people who think too big really suffer from little thought. They are so frivolous when they say “everything will work out.” Only most of the time when they say that it doesn’t apply to them! They can afford to say it because it isn’t their butt at risk. Fact of life I’m afraid. Kind words are a great way of pretending you care so you don’t have to actually get involved. Rash’s rule naturally.

Meanwhile at times those who seem to lack vision are sometimes the type that have simply gone blind in terms of visions from too many times when things didn’t work out. So they just simply have no emotional strength to look beyond a given horizon.

However the wonderful thing is understand how each of these two minds really has a different potential in terms of change. The person who is upbeat and thinking big probably is so busy impressing themselves with their confidence they don’t honestly have time to look deeply passed all their hot air. They just want to ramble and act like they hope for the best. So in terms of a real possibility coming about they will most likely miss it because they won’t stop talking long enough to really look at the horizon.

On the other hand the guy with little vision is a man scarred by life. If you can manage to heal that scar in terms of attitude it can reignite his flame and the next thing you know he will actually start thinking in terms of big that is really an actual big.

So you see this is another of those oddities of human behavior where you can actually find the big and little are in fact residing in places you never expect. But then some people won’t even bother to look.

As for me, well I’m love to dish out any big thoughts if it brings about some real joy of a chance I can raise anyone’s hopes. I’m selfish you understand. I do it so I can inspire a person to work more and harder.

Yep that is my bottom line. Getting as much labor for the cheapest price. And the more I can help some clown see better in terms of attitude so he’ll keep marching then the less he give as much thought to the reality that I stole his shoes in order to sell them for my own selfish motives.

I know that sucks. But hey, I got my own rules in terms of big and little and I see no reason to rob myself of the big part just because my own pocket is sometimes too little. That is the part I have to work on the most. Normally by making sure I sucker some other dude into thinking he is bigger than he is.


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