Wednesday, January 11, 2006


I love when people get the kinds of ideas that improve life in some special ways. Now getting people to always appreciate that just getting idea doesn’t mean it is one will work. I only wish people were able to accept that being creative and coming up with an idea isn’t the same as knowing it will solve a problem.

I reckon that I’ve posted enough observations about life in Mediocrity that the reader ought to appreciate that reality is something we normally do our best to avoid whenever possible. That normally works to my favor in some ways. After all if people were more inclined to just concentrate on truth and reality then they wouldn’t be as willing to accept my lies and I sure don’t need that kind of interference.

So I’m happy to listen to all the ideas that come my way no matter how absurd they are. It is fun just allow somebody who as rule never had a creative idea in his or her entire life think some vision they basically borrowed from a sitcom will impress. I just grant them the joy of such fantasy. And if I’m in the right mood or bribed correctly I’ll even manage to rave over such a contribution. Getting paid for lying hardly bothers me you understand.

Once and a while the good thing is how some other wise dull and boring person will honestly get a decent idea. Of course it is tough when I lie about all the other ideas being so great, it is harder to get too excited when I’m so emotionally drained from pretending that the other lame ideas actually had some merit.

What I really like when I’m feeling particularly conniving is to listen politely to some idea and then if it actually is viable I sit down and tell them it is a good idea. Then I make up some song and dance about taking it under advisement, YADDAH, YADDAH, YADDAH!

Later of course I’ll figure a way to stall them in terms of doing something with the idea till I have figured a way to revise it so I can steal the idea. The trick is doing it in a way where the person honestly does recognize that I stole his or her idea. Sometimes it takes all my energy and effort to achieve that in a way that the victim, er, associate doesn’t end up pissed off.

Yeah I know that is a lousy way to treat people. Particularly if the person isn’t that creative and that idea is the only one perhaps the individual will have that is creative, ever. But what can I say, I consider myself to truly be an idea man. It is something I make sure I emphasize every chance I get.

However nowhere do I suggest that all the ideas I mention were mine. So in a way I do keep a little honesty in the midst of my deception. Don’t say it. I already know that idea. And I hope you appreciate that is one idea I don’t intend to borrow. I might lie about it and blame it on somebody else in a different watered down version, but borrow it, never! After all there is a fine line as they say between winning and losing. In my case I just love using an eraser so I can redraw the line when nobody is looking.


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