Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Well for someone who bends the law as much as I do, those are truly golden words when they are mentioned in a court by as part of a jury’s decision. Of course it is even much sweeter when it doesn’t even end up with something that needs a court trial, which thanks to my friend, journalist, Hugo Muckraker has been my fate. Naturally there have been a couple of occasions when I have had to rely also upon the aid of the police chief, but from my view just like any sport with politics is the final score that really counts. And with this player I’m happy in the gray and vague area of what is legal I’ve ended up on the winning side of the game.

Aside from that avenue of occasion, which I must contend with as a hazard in the pursuit of my goals there are other aspects to the issue of not guilty. And frankly those arenas are of more concern to me because they are less able to be controlled.

I’m speaking of public opinion. You can be exonerated in a court. You can even have another arrested and found guilty for what you were accused and still end up being regarded in a negative light by the public.

Why? Well part of the reason to me is because people believe what they want to believe. Oh they may talk about wanting the truth, but the reality is they crave their version of the truth. And they don’t even admit to that prejudice most of the time, but I’m school enough in human nature to know it is true.

For myself this fact doesn’t present a liability in some ways since I accept its reality. With others though who have principles or ethics such details can be hopelessly cumbersome on their activities or decision making progress.

All of that is philosophy, but embracing it truly is essential from my view to surviving the electoral game. I try to treat it as a game and keep it fun.

Which above all means being willing to set aside any guilt in order to don the role of hypocrisy. For if I am to maintain a certain image that I don’t honestly have the ability to live then that is the only solution I find that works.

In the eyes of the public, it means being not guilty of almost everything I have been guilty of most of my life. However I’m far too corrupt and far too comfortable being a Mayor where I get paid for looking like I work when I don’t to want to change at this point.

And each day when I get up and look in the mirror I smile. I say, “Let the games begin!” Of course I know that the will regardless of how I feel. So there is no choice, but to take my turn at the plate of lies and whatever.

At the end of the day I return home, content to have succeed in claiming the title “not guilty” what one time. Oh sometimes there isn’t enough liquor to quiet the voice of conscience. But I just keep repeating “not guilty” till I can’t hear it any more or pass out.


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